Get In on the Act Students Learn Skills, Gain Confidence Through RMT’s Adult Education Program

9 months ago 36
Red Mountain Theatre’s adult program began about 1½ years ago, and “it’s just kind of taken off,” said RMT Academy Manager Anastas Varinos.

By June Mathews

When Kim Richardson, an outgoing single mom of grown kids, moved from Atlanta to Birmingham last year, one of her top priorities was to form community connections in her new hometown. She decided acting classes would be just the ticket.

“I was getting started in the next stage of my life where I’m not taking care of kids anymore, so I could do some of the things I wanted to do,” she said. “I had briefly taken acting classes in my 20s and dabbled in some acting. I thought taking it up again would be a great way to meet people and try something new.”

So within a month after her move, Richardson took her first acting class at Red Mountain Theatre.

“I immediately felt comfortable there,” she recalled. “One of the things I loved so much about the class and Red Mountain in general is how warm and welcoming and accepting everybody was. Maybe it was the type of people in the class, or maybe the instructor set the tone, but it’s a safe atmosphere, especially when you’re acting and being vulnerable and messy. I’ve taken four classes there, and everyone has been lovely.”

Richardson was also impressed with the diversity of people, who range from youngsters in their late teens or early 20s to senior adults in their 70s or 80s. Despite the differences, she said, the sense of community in each group has been strong and encouraging.

“It’s nice to be involved with something like that,” she said.

According to RMT Academy Manager Anastas Varinos, the theater’s adult program began about 1½ years ago, and “it’s just kind of taken off,” he said. 

“We’ve found a great market in Birmingham for adults who want to socialize and at the same time get some artistic education here on campus.”

In addition to two sessions of adult acting classes – one during the day and the other in the evening – RMT’s adult education lineup offers classes in improv, hip hop, musical theater and tap.

“The turnout has been incredible” said Varinos. “Classes take place in our beautiful rehearsal rooms, so once our mainstage season starts, there’s all this creative energy in the air, which is something unique to Red Mountain and inspiring to students.”

Adult classes are capped at 20 students and usually sell out before the youth classes do. Top notch instruction by Birmingham-area professionals is part of the package, and the cost is only $10 a class.

“Pricing is one of the things that people find most surprising about our classes,” said Varinos. “You can sign up for an entire eight-week bundle, or you can do drop-in classes and just come the day of with $10 cash. And you can just step into a lesson if you can’t commit to the entire session. We think it’s a great deal, and the community seems to think so, too.”

Social Benefits

So, what are the benefits of RMT’s adult classes?

Varinos believes it’s a mix of things, with some coming for the social aspects and others for a fun way to exercise. He also noted that gaining new skills is a proven way to build social poise and confidence. Other people find the classes terrific stress relievers; yet others discover a passion.

“A few of our adult students have surprised themselves with their skills and abilities, and what may have started out as a social gathering becomes an artistic endeavor,” he said. “We’re hoping that at some point, we’ll be able to offer opportunities for some of our students to audition for our mainstage, which would be a cool full circle moment for us and for them.”

Richardson is one of those students who initially joined a Red Mountain class for social reasons but whose interest has turned toward developing a craft.

“Along with community and enjoyment and all of that good stuff, it has for me ignited a real interest in acting,” she said. “I’ve already done a couple of auditions, and I have a call back for one right now. So I feel that from a practical perspective, it’s been an opportunity for me to try out acting, learn some skills and gain some confidence.”

As for RMT overall, Richardson is nothing if not enthusiastic. “I just love the place and the people,” she said, “and I just I couldn’t be a bigger cheerleader for the whole thing!”

For more information on RMT’s fall classes for adults and to register online, visit Classes begin the last week of September.

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